Haven’t received it yet.
But then, I haven’t checked the mail today.
It’s raining, and nasty.
2 months ago
Well duh. Is this news to anyone?
The first study, published in the Journal of Social Psychology, reported by Eric Dolan in PsyPost , explains that people are naturally inclined to socialize with others who are similar to them. It’s called similarity-attraction theory.
In truth, this is not a new idea. Harvard sociologist Robert Putnam did a study, entitled E Pluribus Unum, that showed what happens when we engineer more diverse neighborhoods. People do not get along. They do not socialize. They do not engage each other. They tend, in his phrase, to hunker down.
Forcing people into multicultural social configurations, the kind that you see in television commercials ad nauseam, does not produce social harmony. It produces social dislocation.
One understands that at a time when everyone is terrified about being exposed as a bigot, fewer and fewer people are willing to risk opprobrium. Why would you try to socialize with people who belong to different racial or ethnic or national groups if you risk being tarred as a bigot?
As for the solution, Putnam suggested that we need an encompassing monoculture, one that is shared equally by all participants. Otherwise, it is hunkering down forever.
Haven’t received it yet.
But then, I haven’t checked the mail today.
It’s raining, and nasty.
Well duh. Is this news to anyone?
The first study, published in the Journal of Social Psychology, reported by Eric Dolan in PsyPost , explains that people are naturally inclined to socialize with others who are similar to them. It’s called similarity-attraction theory.
In truth, this is not a new idea. Harvard sociologist Robert Putnam did a study, entitled E Pluribus Unum, that showed what happens when we engineer more diverse neighborhoods. People do not get along. They do not socialize. They do not engage each other. They tend, in his phrase, to hunker down.
Forcing people into multicultural social configurations, the kind that you see in television commercials ad nauseam, does not produce social harmony. It produces social dislocation.
One understands that at a time when everyone is terrified about being exposed as a bigot, fewer and fewer people are willing to risk opprobrium. Why would you try to socialize with people who belong to different racial or ethnic or national groups if you risk being tarred as a bigot?
As for the solution, Putnam suggested that we need an encompassing monoculture, one that is shared equally by all participants. Otherwise, it is hunkering down forever.
But diversity is our strength, or something.