HomeUncategorizedR.I.P. Jimmy
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2 months ago

He was the 3rd president in office during the 4 years I was in the army.
I entered in June 74 and exited June 78.
Nixon, Ford, Carter.
I know all I need to know about any of them.

Tom Hyland
Tom Hyland
2 months ago

1976 was the only time I voted and the only President I ever voted for was Carter. I so despised Gerald Ford for being on the Warren Commission. Did you hear that Oswald “did it”? Yeah… that’s what I heard. Did you hear that, too? Then Gerald went and pardoned Nixon. I just turned 21 so my choice was Carter. Four years later Jimmy was running against a grade B movie actor named Ronald Reagan. It took me only four years to realize that Presidents don’t make a difference… it’s “The Owners” as George Carlin described them. They are paying for and calling the shots. This is one of Carlin’s finest moments… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxsQ7jJJcEA

2 months ago
Reply to  Tom Hyland

I liked Gerry – probably because he didn’t do much. Or maybe it was just that time in my life. I don’t disagree about the Warren Commission – I still have my copy laying around here somewhere – or pardoning Nixon (an act he later regretted). I still remember Kennedy’s assassination. I was actually somewhat neutral about Jimmy while he was in office – “Billy” was amusing but can’t fault a man for his brother. Had some Billy Beer kicking around for a number of years. “The Battle of the Bunny” gave the press something to squawk about.

I don’t blame Carter for inflation, I blame LBJ’s Great Society and Vietnam. Nixon had wage/price controls; Gerry had “Whip Inflation Now” buttons (and Swine Flu). Coinage changed from silver after ’64; that was either Kennedy or Johnson. Jimmy happened to not have a chair when the music stopped. I’ve no doubt the Rs set Jimmy up with the hostage situation.

As far as Reagan being a Grade B actor? I have to disagree with you here. Grade B in the movie industry perhaps but Reagan as President was a Class A actor in his best role. He looked Presidential, he sounded Presidential, he acted presidential, he “felt” Presidential. And those qualities allowed Daddy George to get away with things in the background. I consider sometime around 1982 to be the beginning of the full takeover by what we now call the Deep State.

Other than Trump – maybe – I don’t consider any president or candidate since Reagan (excepting maybe Bob Dole. Maybe) to be worth the effort spent to promote either candidate.

I’ve mixed feelings about Nixon. He was nailed for what today is accepted as normal politics. He was a better choice than Humphrey and I became pretty hard-core anti-Democrat after hearing McGovern speak in ’72. That’s not to say I’m pro-Republican … but I’ll never vote D again even if I don’t vote R for a particular position. Leave it blank.

But national elections no longer matter – I vote only for local people and proposals … and I live in a small enough town that my vote can make a difference.

Tom Hyland
Tom Hyland
2 months ago
Reply to  DT

I’ll say this regarding Jimmy… he was a hell of a nice guy who was totally unprepared for his lunge into the shark tank. You’re correct DT that the Iranian hostage fiasco was an R production. It was especially obvious when the captives were released as Ronnie placed his hand on the bible. Ron was an actor and Sam Donaldson wrote that he held a stack of cards that he’d shuffle through with the most mundane quips such as, “Good morning George, good to see you.” He gobbled jelly beans and fell asleep at cabinet meetings.

I just turned 69, was a month shy of turning 8 when JFK was whacked. In my actual life experience I blame LBJ for most of everything. Johnson was a certified murderous psychopath whose only focus since childhood was to become President. He knew he had zero personality so he stole and murdered his way to every election and then blackmailed Jack & Bobby into their acceptance he be vice-president. He told JFK, “There’s a 1 in 4 chance you’ll die in office and I like those odds.” The Deep State, an Israeli operation, owns America. Sure, I’m pleased Kackula has been shoved aside by Trump and I want to see the Tom Homan pit bull let loose on the border and every obstacle in his way, namely the witches coven of female governors. But Trump wears the Israeli kneepads and that funny little skull cap, too. The bumpy ride continues. I enjoy reading James Kunstler every Monday and Friday. His column today is pretty good.

2 months ago
Reply to  Tom Hyland

It was implied but not stated that I voted Ford in ’76 and Reagan in ’80. But I respected Jimmy as a person after he left office (he never sank into my consciousness earlier). He was way out of his depth as President though. He didn’t deserve the snubbing he received from later holders of that office after Nixon, Ford, and Reagan were gone.

2 months ago

Your site seems to be working well, DT. Love that you have Gerard’s picture in its perfect introductory pose where it is. I still can’t believe two years have gone by since his departure.
Thank you for keeping him alive in our minds. I wish you and everyone who reads, Blessings and snatches of happiness in the New Year.

2 months ago

I have never voted and never will.
The whole process (majority rule) is inherently flawed.
Just another name for mob rule and I’ll have no part of it.

No matter how good/nice/whatever the politician seems, I will never choose someone to rule over you and me.

Tom Hyland
Tom Hyland
2 months ago
Reply to  ghostsniper

When it comes right down to it… I’ve had enough Presidents, thank you. Don’t need any more Presidents. I’m not seeking a leader. I don’t need to be led anywhere, like a dog holding a leash in his mouth. It always astounds me when the public refers to “our leaders.” “Politicians should wear sponsor jackets like NASCAR drivers, so we know who owns them.” – Robin Williams

Tom Hyland
Tom Hyland
2 months ago
Reply to  ghostsniper

Two potent quotes…

“If the personal freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution inhibit the government’s ability to govern the people, we should look to limit those guarantees.” – Bill Clinton

Nice, huh?

“The most improper job of any man, even saints, is bossing other men. Not one in a million if fit for it, and least of all those who seek the opportunity.” – J.R.R. Tolkein

Snakepit Kansas
Snakepit Kansas
2 months ago
Reply to  ghostsniper

What a bunch of grumpy old men we have here. I suppose I am becoming one of them myself.

I remember the horrific inflation under Carter. May not have been all his fault but basic economics tells us how it occurs and how to stop it. That half-wit Yellen recently said something to the effect that inflation was a unexplained worldwide phenomenon. Damn, it came out of nowhere. That woman is educated enough to know better but pukes out that tripe and uneducated folks soak that up.

1 month ago
Reply to  ghostsniper

Good for you. You’ve chosen to let dead people, Democrats, Socialists, illegal aliens, and nere-do-wells do your voting for you unapposed.

There’s an old saying- those who are too cowardly to exercise their right to vote have no right to complain about politics.

Wild, wild west
Wild, wild west
17 days ago

Late to this party. Just found this place, of which I think der Leun would be proud, and digging thru the archives. But here goes.

I despise everyone in that presidential photo, Carter perhaps the least but it’s a question of degree. Nevertheless, Carter did one thing right, in my estimation, with which all are free to disagree, and it is only right and just for all to have a different opinion from mine. It is this:

When the Democrat majority Congress and the INS were conspiring to kick Nguyen Ngoc Loan out of the country, Carter put a stop to it. I’m grateful to the man for that much, if nothing else.