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15 days ago

“What would happen if there weren’t so many regulations discouraging small start-up businesses?”

THAT right there.
I started my biz in 1986 and since then the regs have went through the moon. In 2006 I decided enough was enough, I was shouldering too much and not earning enough to compensate. So I shut down and retooled. Got leaner, and meaner. I let my employees go, let my office go, got rid of almost everything.

Where we lived in FL I was required to have 8 different business licenses. Here in IN I’m not required to have any. And on and on. What’s the point in earning $1mil if you’re only allowed to keep $100k? Just make $100k and cut everybody else out of the picture.

As my Czech friend used to say, “When the rules get tougher the people get sneakier.”

I used to believe I owned a company but in time I realized the company owned me, and I didn’t like that arrangement….so I upset the applecart and stepped off.

15 days ago
Reply to  ghostsniper

Eight licenses to be an Architect? Wow, that’s a lot. What type of licenses were they? Could you list them here?
I only saw a couple that were required– https://www2.myfloridalicense.com/architecture-and-interior-design/

11 days ago
Reply to  DV8

There will never be a reply to that question.

14 days ago
Reply to  ghostsniper

As some of you may know about 25 years ago a new DEI hire(lesbian) was hired by the university my DH had worked at for 12 years.

He was a department chair and had designed a new program. Stanford took their cue from him to start a similar program. DH’s department/program made it into the Top 10 of US news and world report for management classes.

After she was on campus trying to act like she was qualifed and competent she called an “all campus meeting”–faculty, students, staff, administrators. She got up on stage and announced “her vision” for the future. She also announced my DH would not be in charge of his department or his own work anymore. She made that announcement in public without ever having discussed it with my husband beforehand. When we refused to stay on and “make her look good” we asked the business consultants she had hired to teach her how to be a campus president. Their response was chilling. “She had to make your husband a public execution like that in order to get everyone on campus to respect her. “It’s called shock and awe”. When we refused to work for them in any way they blacklisted him. He has spent the last 25 years patching together part time work. He was fifty six when they destroyed his career. He is 82 now and still trying to patch together some income producing projects. He began his professional life as an architect. Two major visitor’s centers designed and built for the USFS. He then completed a M.A and Ph.d (with distinction) in another management field. He wrote the book which is considered the groundwork for the field.

He told me today that he had let his architecture license lapse because we could not afford the $1,000 to renew it every two years.

During the first five years after he was fired I went to 23 attorneys in the Seattle area asking for thier help. None would accept our case. Each man said the same thing:
“I can’t the women will destroy me” Two men cried. One let me know they would put his brother in jail on a trumped up charge if he accepted my DH’s case. Not to worry–he was a former US attorney!