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6 days ago

Is it possible to hate someone any harder?

6 days ago
Reply to  ghostsniper

Royalties?? how is that possible?!

Snakepit Kansas
Snakepit Kansas
5 days ago
Reply to  ghostsniper

I certainly do not care for the dude. I hope and doubt the royalties is true.

5 days ago
Reply to  ghostsniper

Debunked. My 60% Rule stands. If something sounds too good to be true, and immediately confirms your world-view, you should take a pause.

5 days ago
Reply to  azlibertarian

Snopes, huh?
And MSN. jeez
Sorry, those entities don’t get to debunk anything.
I’ll continue to distrust everything.

5 days ago
Reply to  ghostsniper

“…I’ll continue to distrust everything.”

My point exactly. There is nothing on the internet…including that which confirms your pre-existing views…that should be automatically believed.

Last edited 5 days ago by azlibertarian
5 days ago
Reply to  azlibertarian

Thanks for exposing the TRUTH.
Habitual liars should be banned from this site.

5 days ago
Reply to  Sidewinder

For the record, I am against banning people or websites with whom I may disagree. I place no more veracity to a Obama-recieved-royalties meme than I do to the MSN “fact-check” article saying that it never happened. I suspect everything.

5 days ago
Reply to  azlibertarian

That’s the pedo troll with a new handle.

Without even trying I own it’s entire 3 milligram brain. LOL

4 days ago
Reply to  DT

You’re watching the pedo troll perform just as I said.
It hits and runs, cowardly, and changes it’s name frequently – 40 or more times over the past 8+ years.

The pedo troll was from Gerard’s area and when it first appeared around here it was attacking Chasmatic, remember him? Gerard did some checking and found out about pedo trolls criminal back ground and told Chas about it. Chas and I were friends til he died (he was also friends with Remus and frequently visited him) and he clued me in about the pedo. Ever since Chas died pedo has focused its criminal ways at me for reasons not understood.

As pedo troll has been carrying on its attack proclivities for so long it must be concluded that it has mental issues. But then, we already know that people arrested for pedophilia are not right in the head to begin with. Pedo was most likely raped as a child and that damaged it forever more. The only cure is a piece of lead through the head.

4 days ago

Interesting- “Gerard did some checking and found out about pedo trolls criminal back ground and told Chas about it. Chas and I were friends til he died (he was also friends with Remus and frequently visited him) and he clued me in about the pedo.”

Oh, Really? Why not post those “findings” here as proof- since (conveniently) there are no living witnesses to corroborate that story? And post every single detail, please, OK? Thanks.

Strange how no names were ever mentioned in any posts exposing lies, yet someone immediately “outed” their self with an immediate display of rage and name-calling. How very typical.

Curiously, accusing someone of having “mental issues” followed by stating that murdering them (Quote–“The only cure is a piece of lead through the head.”) is the only solution seems perfectly “normal” to that person. How disturbing is that?

Old saying- “When you correct a wise man, he will thank you. When you correct a fool, he will hate you.”

4 days ago
Reply to  DT

I will.
The very second that you also request here that habitual lies, childish insults and accusations, and threats of bodily harm (AKA murder) also be dropped.

Sound fair and balanced?

4 days ago
Reply to  DT

You prolly scared it off DT.
But it will be back, with a new nic.
Count on it.
Like all communist, leftist, LIEberal, democrat, criminals, it just CAN’T leave other people alone.

3 days ago
Reply to  ghostsniper

Incorrect. I only expose lies and liars. I realize how painful and embarrassing that must be to those who lie. It makes them miserable and angry.

3 days ago
Reply to  DT

Good for you. It might be a good idea to NOT defend a person who has well-established their self as a habitual liar, it tends to ruin one’s credibility.