hello. where did you
go. you were here
just a minute ago.
I blinked and breathed
and missed you leave.
hello. where did you
I’ll save your space
beside me. listen for
your laugh. re-welcome you
again. again.
where did you
originally posted on Pondering……. 4-22-2010.
Very nice read ! Loved starting my day with this piece.
Thank you, Anne!
Don’t forget, February is negro history month.
In about 10 mins I’m gonna pop the top on a 40.
Wood Turning
Art Wood
This dood is consistently coming up with new ideas that I think are pretty cool.
But he also seems to have issues with accuracy in stacking the layers – they’re always off by a little bit and I don’t understand how he keeps doing that.
Anyway, take a look, a pretty cool piece.