Make It Easy
While I’d just as soon stay away from “politics” as a primary focus on this site, there are some issues that just come up. One being illegals.
My wife’s an immigrant. Came in legal like and became naturalized. The process is not easy or fun. The office where she started the process was so … nasty, I had to stop going with her because I’d have spoken up and those damn bureaucrats would have taken it out on her.
On the other hand, she came and wanted to become a US citizen – she put up with the process, she didn’t yell and protest and wave her old country’s flag around.

Every time these illegals gather round like this, it seems it would be easy for the National Guard to come in, surround them, and deport every single one of them.
And cut off welfare for any Yankees that participate. Yep – as a US citizen you have the right to protest. But being on welfare should have consequences – one of them being that if you depend on the government to survive, you give up your right to bite the hand that feeds you.
As I’ve always said, “Cut the money faucet and much of this nonsense will disappear post haste.”
Seems Musk is on the right track:
Last Rites“We spent the weekend feeding USAID into the wood chipper. Could have gone to some great parties. Did that instead.” — Elon Musk
Much more here:
My wife came to the US from the Philippines and went through the necessary process to be a US Citizen. Although she came over on a visitor visa, when she applied for citizenship they made her go back to the PI and wait. Took a year to allow her to come back to the US legally.
We have no idea who is here with Biden’s open border. We do know tons of fentenyl, MS13 gang bangers and other non-desirables are here en masse. Giving all these folks free health care, free housing, free food etc. is creating a permanent underclass that we cannot afford financially. Follow the law. In the mean time, DEPORT!!!
Stroke of the pen, law of the land. Kinda cool…
Sorry to disagree, and while I agree with most of the actions Trump has taken so far, these are Executive Orders and not the “law of the land”. Governing this way is far better than allowing the Biden-Era policies to remain in place, but the next President can undo all of this just as quickly as Trump put it in place. We should get Congress involved to make these EO’s into law.
BTW, that image is a Photoshop or AI.
I’m not sure what you are disagreeing with?
Is it working?
Is congress on board?
No,but so what?
With this political disaster as the way it is we have to be confident in what Trump is doing, with the long view in mind.
Working within the current system he won’t be as successful (congress etc.).
Maybe, in time, he can corral congress into doing what they need to do.
One day at a time.
That works fine when it’s your guy doing your things, but we just suffered 4 (or 12) of the opposite. EOs are OK in their place but should automatically expire when whoever leaves office. My understanding though is DJT is using EOs to cancel other long-standing EOs. On a slightly different viewpoint, many agencies operate under the Executive branch. That makes the President the boss regardless of Congress. If you piss off the boss, you’re likely to get fired – as it should be.
Dem’s – can’t win for losin’.
So they decide a mentally damaged child shall take point position.
“Hogg has dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder.”
Can’t wait to watch the vid when he melts down or grabs a glok with a switch.
(note that powerful jaw line – from many years of gorging skittles)