I’m Chahlie.
Say it the way it looks. Chahhhlie. Got it? OK.
People think I’m pathetic.
Some people. Not all people. Only the ones who know me.
The rest of ’em? Welllll, they don’t really count.
‘Cause they don’t know me. See?
Maybe, when this is over, you can tell me what you think.
Because by then you will know me.
Chahlie. That’s me.
I don’t do mucha nuthin’. ‘Cause I don’t have to or want to.
I slip-slide through the days without breakin’ a sweat.
As it should be. For me.
Nuthin’ but easy all day every day.
It’s a sweet life if you can get it.
And I got it.
…to be continued. Maybe.
It is very obvious that the following “quote” (I use the word quote very liberally,) from the mayor of filthydelphia could very well have been made by Chahlie.
DT, you be genius. Thank you.
You’re welcome. Keep ’em coming.
In case you’re innerested:
OK, what’s all this Chahlie bidnit?
Just a short story that oozed out of my brain recently. Deciding whether or not to develop a part 2.