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18 hours ago

Long, lonely road.

14 hours ago

Buck n a half
Probably the best deal to be found anywhere, even at 10X the price.

For $1.50, delivered, if you have Prime, you can have your own in a day or 2. Got mine today, haven’t checked it out yet. I wanted a physical one to have on hand.

Small format, 3-1/4″ wide x 6-1/2″ h, but with decent size text, easy to read.

US Constitution pgs 1-20
Amendments 21-34
Declaration of Independence 35-39
Index to the US Constitution 40-44
Remembering Significant Dates 45
Celebrating the Constitution 46

Read all 46 pages and not only will you be ahead of 90% of the US population, but also 99% of the US politicians.

Just think, in an hour you can be smarter than almost everybody else in the US. (I bet Trump has never read this stuff, and you KNOW criminal biden hasn’t.)

Gwon n gitsum….


John A. Fleming
John A. Fleming
4 hours ago

Unlike the photo above, I live in a suburban environment. Suburban for miles around. Sometimes I long for the wide-open lonely spaces. But to live there for me would be completely life-changing, alternate universe sort of thing. I’m not yet ready for that change, but I’m getting itchy.

Nevertheless, in our area, we have pockets of open spaces, wooded or shrubbed, with known and secret trails. We live with wild creatures: corvids and owls, coyotes, skunks/possums/raccoons/squirrels. Sometimes there are peafowl roaming about. I mostly see/hear/smell the land creatures at night, except for the ubiquitous squirrels which are daytime animals. At first when I see one in my headlights I am pleased that we are able to share the land with these creatures. And then … on second thought, I’m a little ashamed, for these creatures own the night, creeping through the hedges and secret fence passages. What kind of a life is that?They too ought to be able to be active under the sun. I feel the call of the open spaces and long to be there. Do they also?

The pictured landscape, it must be a pretty tough life for any animal other than ruminants, browsers, or scavengers. Most of our creatures I think prefer living here, than trying to survive in the wide open sagebrush plains.