December 30, 1999
Sometime around Thanksgiving, my fairly new wife and I realized it was time to leave Colorado and start our lives someplace else. She was a foreigner with green card and only knew LA (where she attended language school) and the Front Range so the selection of “where” was up to me.
I knew I didn’t want to move east. I had lived and worked in most every state west of the Rockies and preferred that region of the country. But when it came down to betting my life on this decision, I decided to leave it in the hands of God … or fate … or pure circumstance.
California was out. Seattle was out. Both of us had professional degrees so our selection needed to account for job possibilities. We discussed options and came down to three choices: Oregon, Idaho, or Montana.
I wrote those choices on pieces of paper, rolled those pieces into little balls, and tossed them in the air like flipping a coin.
Funny how life can take a turn …
I held my hand out to catch one of the balls.
One ball missed my hand completely, another bounced off my thumb, the third landed in the middle of my palm.
We arrived 25 years ago today.
Welcome to Idaho
You may not like guns.
That is your right.
You may not believe in God.
That is your choice.
But if someone breaks into your house,
The first two things you are going to do are …
Call someone with a gun and pray they get there in time.
And I can tell people we arrived here in the ’90s
Cute. And yeah, I like that sign.
“Culturally, the US is very much like a bunch of smaller countries.”
That’s always a fun game, figuring out how to divvy up the States. I think one way to consider it is back to the basics. A nation wants to control its own food and water. The city folks need to be surrounded by farms and rivers, and the city elites want their helots. It’s been pretty much that way since 10,000 BC.
It’s fanciful to think the Central Valley and Jefferson can wrest themselves away from the West Coast. California will not give up the Owens Valley, the Parker Dam, and all the water of the Sierras. Likewise, Oregon and Washington will not give up their farmlands to the east. Then again, the dissipated west coast stoners in WA/OR just might let the east side go. Colorado/Kansas is the fought-over borderland between Northern Prairie and Texas.
New Mexico will stick with TX/LA, Texas will grab the Rio Grande, can they go all the way to the Arkansas? Will Utah go with Idaho or Colorado? The Mormons settled Idaho. Nobody will want Arizona, no water or farms and all the minerals are depleted.
What happens east of Kansas I don’t care much about. They got lots of water and farms, there will be lots of warlords contending for more territory. The South will rise again. The Upper Midwest will band together but they might have to wall off Chicago. Those guys are some kind of stupid, ingesting Chicago will be more trouble than it’s worth.
Many of the really bad things in this country exist because the gov’t wants it that way. Take the squalor in all of the dense urban areas. When the EBT cards go dead the parasites will feed off each other then venture outward where the cornfed boys will put a cease to their shit but quick.
I don’t see people packing up and moving to other areas wholesale just because one area is supposedly red and another is supposedly blue. Who can afford to do that? We did, 19 years ago, but we were the exception not the rule.
It will require something big, REALLY BIG to occur before the whole blue-red arrangement will even start to look doable.
I will say one thing, in the absence of gov’t at least 90% of the current problems will disappear over night. That’s not to say new problems won’t crop up. But on an individual (family) basis they will be solved in time. Just like was done before.
I’m the kind of guy that wouldn’t hurt a mouse
But if I catch someone breaking in my house
I have a 12 gauge shotgun waiting on the other side
If you don’t want trouble, you best just pass me on by
-Charlie Daniels
“in the absence of gov’t at least 90% of the current problems will disappear over night.”
I’m at a loss for understanding why anyone in the USA with a functioning brain would be ignorant enough to post such a ridiculous thing.
Especially anyone who is receiving V.A. benefits, Social Security, Medicare, etc.