Besides, I like this photo.
My wife pretends she likes woodworking - and she's not bad at it when she does it. We have an RV garage that now does service as a shop ... full of tools; no lathe though. Trouble is, she doesn't do much with it so its purpose has become more tool storage than tool use. She's going to retire come summer; maybe she'll get back into it when the boredom of retirement sets in ...
Myself? I enjoy the idea of woodworking - took woodworking in shop class in high school ... but I can't pound a nail straight even with an airgun. My little kid brother now ... he does high-end finish carpentry - high-end as in huge size and dollar mansions - and I'm amazed the quality work he turns out.
Anyway, there was a period when I was working in Virginia and she came out to visit. There was a wood-working show going on in Richmond. Being as Richmond wasn't far, we went. I had a chance to get up close to this guy giving a demo on either the tools or the lathe - I don't recall which - and took the opportunity to get this photo. Sometimes I make a mistake and get a good image.
When I posted the photo earlier as one of my "experiments" while setting up this site, ghostsniper posted a comment on his work. I took those posts down for various reasons but here's this photo again - just for you ghost.
Now, no good comment goes unpunished - send me an article on your thoughts of woodworking via email for posting ... :)
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