Oh, the joys of site administration … 🙂
“Requested mail action aborted, mailbox not found“
I really shouldn’t complain about fake email addresses ’cause I do it myself sometimes.
However – just to let you know – sometimes I’d like to ask some of the readers here if I have permission to turn some of their comments into posts. I’d prefer not to do that in open forum; I make such requests through the site email service.
In any case, if this did turn into a subscription site (to block hackers and trolls) like Gerard implemented in the later days of American Digest, a legit email address would be necessary for confirmation – especially if a subscription fee became necessary.
Your choice though – but this is supposed to be a community site.
Comments, please.
Now, Now Folks
Re: Some earlier comments on an earlier post.
I don’t know who’s wrong or right and won’t take sides other than ghostsniper is a regular. I’m not sure who Clementine is but he/she/it is also welcome here.
Point being, I really don’t want this site to turn into a platform for pissing matches.
I have a hard enough time being “nice” myself.
I get enough nastiness reading the news and this site is intended to help me – and all of you – maybe escape all that.

The People
Of course, most revolutionists do not … really … want change. They simply want to sit in the driver’s seat.
But does he not claim to be acting for the people?
The people is an abstraction. It is one of those general terms that has no meaning in fact. For “the people” is in reality many peoples, with many interests, many possibilities. It is always interesting to me that none of these persons who claim to act for the people have ever consulted the people themselves.
Louis L’Amour – Rivers West
I Understand Y’All Have Run Into A Bit Of January

Be careful out there now …