The new Burpee catalog has arrived.

The new Burpee catalog has arrived.
Time to PAR-TEE!
Or ’twas once upon a time.
Today’s Tuesday; tomorrow’s Wednesday.
And I have to find a new calendar.
Sometime around Thanksgiving, my fairly new wife and I realized it was time to leave Colorado and start our lives someplace else. She was a foreigner with green card and only knew LA (where she attended language school) and the Front Range so the selection of “where” was up to me.
I knew I didn’t want to move east. I had lived and worked in most every state west of the Rockies and preferred that region of the country. But when it came down to betting my life on this decision, I decided to leave it in the hands of God … or fate … or pure circumstance.
California was out. Seattle was out. Both of us had professional degrees so our selection needed to account for job possibilities. We discussed options and came down to three choices: Oregon, Idaho, or Montana.
I wrote those choices on pieces of paper, rolled those pieces into little balls, and tossed them in the air like flipping a coin.
Funny how life can take a turn …
I held my hand out to catch one of the balls.
One ball missed my hand completely, another bounced off my thumb, the third landed in the middle of my palm.
We arrived 25 years ago today.
Welcome to Idaho
You may not like guns.
That is your right.
You may not believe in God.
That is your choice.
But if someone breaks into your house,
The first two things you are going to do are …
Call someone with a gun and pray they get there in time.
And I can tell people we arrived here in the ’90s
End of an era. World changed when Reagan came in.
Wasn’t a great President bit wasn’t as bad as some others: Wilson, FDR, LBJ, Bush come to mind of the 20th century.
Too wishy-washy – tried to “do good” for too many conflicting interests. Probably one of the most honest of the lot though.
I voted for Ford in ’76; Reagan in ’80 … but I respected the man, just not his performance in office.
Update: I responded to Tom in comments regarding the snubbing Jimmy received after Nixon, Ford, and Reagan had passed on. This photo shows what I meant. The four twits with Jimmy off to the side. The nation will never recover from what these four plus Biden did.
A horrible plane crash in S Korea – caught on video.
Unpleasant to watch. Shows to the end; don’t click if such may be disturbing.
“Make sure seatbelts are fastened, trays and seats in upright position. Kiss your asses goodbye.“
Latest report is the 2 pilots and two passengers in the tail survived. 180-some died in the explosion.
I’m not this type of engineer but it seems this plane is coming in hot. Video speed?
Word is a bird strike took out the landing gear mechanisms … who am I to question that conclusion?
But why would damage to the landing gear have any effect on plane speed until landing?
And I didn’t think the landing gear provided much braking; decreasing engine power slowed the plane in flight; flaps and reverse thrust dealt with slowing the plane once landed. Wouldn’t the friction of the fuselage on the ground create a slowing effect more so than landing gear/brakes?
Pilots screwed up? Auto-landing?
I hope I’m wrong but so many “conspiracy theories” have come true lately, I wonder if there’s more to this story.
May God rest their souls.