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1 month ago

Realistically, have you eaten a thousand burgers in your life?
Or does it just seem so?
Probably the biggest burger I ever commandeered was a Wendy’s triple with all the toppings. It was a handful and pretty messy by the time it was completely consumed. Had to go to the restroom and clean up. That shit was all over my face and down both arms. Yeah, messy….and good.

1 month ago
Reply to  ghostsniper

similar maybe

Snakepit Kansas
Snakepit Kansas
1 month ago

There is a little place called Toot’s in Howard KS serving locals and its farm community. Wonderful food and plenty of it. If you order a double burger and some fries you better be hungry. If you think you are still hungry you can follow up with some blackberry pie and a dollop of vanilla ice cream. Wonderful.

27 days ago

My burger was made with everything on it and about the size of the water tower down the street from Toot’s Drive In. It was a mouthful. The patties were thick, juicy and mouthwatering. I’ve been to quite a few small towns in Kansas so far and would probably rank Toot’s Drive In towards the top in terms of fantastic burgers.

Snakepit Kansas
Snakepit Kansas
25 days ago
Reply to  ghostsniper

Heheh. Thanks Ghost. I did not exaggerate.

Got some ground elk out of freezer yesterday. Will mix it with a little 80/20 ground beef and make some burgers tonight.

27 days ago

Reese’s and/or a Circle K, in HoKwim, WA. Triple meat, triple bacon, cheese AF. One night after school I consumed such a burger in one bite (on a dare).

Greetings, AD gang. I switched some of my internet pathways and am back to enjoy AD as best I’m able.

Keeping up with Trump news? How can I? It’s rapid fire. Loving it.

27 days ago
Reply to  Casey

Welcome back, friend. You’ve been missed and its good to hear that you’re back.

27 days ago
Reply to  azlibertarian

Kind thanks!

27 days ago
Reply to  Casey

Bout time MF!

Snakepit Kansas
Snakepit Kansas
25 days ago
Reply to  Casey

Good to see Casey posting!!!

24 days ago

Well, thanks, (even to GS), and to S Kansas and az and to all. My main computer got replaced by a big screen TV and so it goes. Computer shuffle changed muh habits.

27 days ago

In the summer that we were to celebrate our 25th anniversary, we had initially planned on a cruise to Australia and New Zealand. But my dad had a slowly-terminal form of cancer and we instead opted to celebrate stateside in the event that things turned south more quickly than everyone was expecting. So we chose to visit Napa Valley and Monterey.

It was on that trip that I had the best damned burger I’ve ever had at a place then called “Taylor’s Automatic Refresher“. I think we shared a milkshake, which was awesome, and I paid a fortune for that meal. But it was worth every penny.

To the question at hand, have I eaten a thousand burgers in my lifetime? I probably have. If I divide my age into 1000, I get a bit more than one burger a month. I probably eat burgers now at that rate and in my younger years I’m sure that I did better than that.

27 days ago

I believe it’s located in Ellensburg.

27 days ago
Reply to  DK

OMG! That looks like the perfect burger! We had a burger tonight–it’s ok, but nothing like this one. My DH does a great burger on the grill, but I won’t let him at the grill when it is snowing out and the temps are in the teens! I think I eat more burgers than any other food item!

26 days ago

Had my burfday lunch last week but the plan changed and we didn’t go to KFC. Too many shooting there by you know who over cold fries. That’s why we can’t have nice things.

So we stayed somewhat local and went here instead:


Surprise, surprise, surprise!

Turns out they were introducing a brand new burger that day and I was the first person to order it.

It was a hand pounded 80/20 cheeseburger with 4 bacons, a fried egg, and all the trimmings and fries, and all for $11.99.

Yeah, I had to take a bath afterward, and then a 2 hour nap on the couch with a cat or 2. (ever wake up with cat fur in your mouth?)

Some things about turning 70 aren’t too bad.

Oh yeah, my wife made a layer cake but I was so full from that burger that I didn’t eat anything else until noon the next day, and then cake later that afternoon.

26 days ago
Reply to  ghostsniper

Happy Belated Birthday, GS!

26 days ago
Reply to  jean

Thank ya kindly!

Snakepit Kansas
Snakepit Kansas
25 days ago
Reply to  ghostsniper

Happy birthday man. I hit 60 this week.