Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man,
play a song for me
I'm not sleepy
and there ain't no place I'm goin' to
Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man,
play a song for me
In the jingle jangle morning,
I'll come followin' you
Take me for a trip upon
your magic swirling ship
All my senses have been stripped
And my hands can't feel to grip
And my toes too numb to step
Wait only for my boot heels to be wanderin'
I'm ready to go anywhere,
I'm ready for to fade
Unto my own parade
Cast your dancing spell my way
I promise to go under it
Jailed over AI generated cartoons?
Was reading an article at Taki and then hopped over to wiki and seen this:
Bell was arrested in 2025 under suspicion of having uploaded and possessed child pornography, including of real children and AI-generated children. He is the first person to be charged under a California law criminalizing AI-generated child sexual abuse material.
Have you heard of this stuff? Arrested over a cartoon? How do they prove the cartoon is underage?
I’m not defending the dood, but questioning the methodry – seems like a slippery slope if not downright wrong.
Taki article:
wiki note:
Someone said (was it our Ghostie?) that your cell phone probably comes pre-loaded with CP. Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime.
They can put anything they want on your cellphone and you wouldn’t even know it was there. They can also take stuff off your phone. If you are within about 5 miles of any given cell tower you could be considered a person of interest in the event of criminal activity close by.
I just stay my ass home most of the time but I can still become victimized by these criminal gov’t tyrants.
So who is “they?” And please explain in detail how someone could “put anything they want or take stuff off your phone” to “victimize” someone.
Thanks in advance.
It is theoretically (and actually) possible to modify the firmware of your device and operate it remotely – say, in an update. Think of how “Find My Phone” works. You can and probably are tracked by your phone. Your phone CAN be turned on remotely. Worse is your TV with Siri or Alexis. The possibilities of the technology are amazing. The question becomes are “they” (pick your acronym) interested in you – or could they find something to make them interested in you? It isn’t sumdude listening in; it’s massive banks of computer servers. This has been going on at least since the early 80s. If it’s an electronic transmission – anything wireless or hooked up to the internet, it’s captured and stored.
I did expect, like probably most of us, to be appalled by the waste and grift that the DJT admin would root out. But now I have to say: HFS!!!!
I never expected this level of piracy from our gubbmint. The USAID is whole-cloth bull-fuggery and if DC departments were rated for lard, this one is pure lard.
When I hear the dems complaining about the discovery and (beginning of) dismantling the lard buckets of DC, it amazes me the stones on these pigs. Wait! What really amazes me is how there has been no over site (!) for a generation in our government. Say what you want about the pentagon failing audits 7 times in a row: at least they’re being audited. DC needs a top-down audit of everything from tires to paperclips.
The mythical “J6” was nothing compared to what is now in the dark hearts of Americans who’ve been shown the doorway to evil in the district. BTW, that reminds me: the burning of cities by BLM in 2020 was paid for in tens of millions by your bipartisan govt. in DC.
Audit the whole congress.
Senators, Reps, all of em.
Let’s have some real transparency for a change.
Then they can start on the judges and prosecutors.
Spend some stolen money jailing the people that have been doing the stealing.
Is there a site somewhere out there that is directed toward non Democratic families? I don’t mean the kind of site posted by a church. There must be a politic conversation going on between the fem/nazis and the women who are not.
Second question: Does anyone here know about the Democrats trying to destroy families who don’t agree with them? I have seen it mentioned, but not paid much attention before.
I try to keep this site non-Democrat for the most part but I suspect that’s not what you mean.
Maybe you’re looking for something like:
The Democrats are trying to destroy everything and everybody that don’t agree with them. That’s the main reason I tend to lean towards harsh corrective measures in most cases.