Dude. Tell me about it. Thirty-four years as an airline pilot and I can’t begin to tell you how many hotel rooms that I’ve stayed in.
The only thing worse than the sameness and uniformity of every sort of hotel room is sharing a hotel room with your wife. Don’t mistake me….I love my wife and I have thoroughly enjoyed traveling with her. But it doesn’t take long as a professional-hotel-room-occupant to get into a routine. When you walk into the room, your bag goes there. You leave the room key on this corner of the desk. Your bathroom items are arrayed on the counter in your certain way. The TV remote is yours and yours alone.
But when you’re with your wife, as is her right, she gets to share the room….every bit of it. She walks into the room and will want to put her bag where your mind tells you that your’s belongs. The bathroom counter? Fuggitaboutit. All kinds of products take up real estate that you normally don’t have to compete for.
But I did have the benefit of being with my wife, so it wasn’t all bad.
You have me beat. I was 20 ft behind you. Difference with me is the flight was short, the stay in those places was long – often months.
I used to enjoy flying … in the 70s and 80s. I drive cross-ccountry now rather than get anywhere near an airport. Back way back when, I wanted to fly B-52s or C-5s (later a B-1). Closest I got was taking a 6-seat Apache to Peru sitting in the right hand seat (unofficially and fully unqualified) 🙂
Taking the wife or SO on a business trip? O Lordy, lordy no.
Last time my wife and I partook of a hotel-motel room (a long time ago) she spent 15 mins cleaning everything to her standards. After driving 12 hours, then waiting 15 mins more for her to get done, I landed in the rack and went comatose immediately.
Best hotel room I ever stayed in was in Osaka Japan. The toilet had a dashboard on it and the seat was heated to your liking. Also had warm water to spray up on your hind quarters.
Yeah, a proper Japanese toilet has been on my Potential-Home-Improvements list for some time. The first time you use one, it is a bit disconcerting, but after a couple of uses, the appeal becomes more obvious.
But I am still maintaining that horde of Costco toilet paper, so I got that goin’ for me, which is nice.
Dude. Tell me about it. Thirty-four years as an airline pilot and I can’t begin to tell you how many hotel rooms that I’ve stayed in.
The only thing worse than the sameness and uniformity of every sort of hotel room is sharing a hotel room with your wife. Don’t mistake me….I love my wife and I have thoroughly enjoyed traveling with her. But it doesn’t take long as a professional-hotel-room-occupant to get into a routine. When you walk into the room, your bag goes there. You leave the room key on this corner of the desk. Your bathroom items are arrayed on the counter in your certain way. The TV remote is yours and yours alone.
But when you’re with your wife, as is her right, she gets to share the room….every bit of it. She walks into the room and will want to put her bag where your mind tells you that your’s belongs. The bathroom counter? Fuggitaboutit. All kinds of products take up real estate that you normally don’t have to compete for.
But I did have the benefit of being with my wife, so it wasn’t all bad.
You have me beat. I was 20 ft behind you. Difference with me is the flight was short, the stay in those places was long – often months.
I used to enjoy flying … in the 70s and 80s. I drive cross-ccountry now rather than get anywhere near an airport. Back way back when, I wanted to fly B-52s or C-5s (later a B-1). Closest I got was taking a 6-seat Apache to Peru sitting in the right hand seat (unofficially and fully unqualified) 🙂
Taking the wife or SO on a business trip? O Lordy, lordy no.
Last time my wife and I partook of a hotel-motel room (a long time ago) she spent 15 mins cleaning everything to her standards. After driving 12 hours, then waiting 15 mins more for her to get done, I landed in the rack and went comatose immediately.
Best hotel room I ever stayed in was in Osaka Japan. The toilet had a dashboard on it and the seat was heated to your liking. Also had warm water to spray up on your hind quarters.
Yeah, a proper Japanese toilet has been on my Potential-Home-Improvements list for some time. The first time you use one, it is a bit disconcerting, but after a couple of uses, the appeal becomes more obvious.
But I am still maintaining that horde of Costco toilet paper, so I got that goin’ for me, which is nice.