Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man,
play a song for me
I'm not sleepy
and there ain't no place I'm goin' to
Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man,
play a song for me
In the jingle jangle morning,
I'll come followin' you
Take me for a trip upon
your magic swirling ship
All my senses have been stripped
And my hands can't feel to grip
And my toes too numb to step
Wait only for my boot heels to be wanderin'
I'm ready to go anywhere,
I'm ready for to fade
Unto my own parade
Cast your dancing spell my way
I promise to go under it
Has everybody moved on?
Perhaps simply posting pictures is not enough to stimulate conversation? AD is on its deathbed – down to days I suspect – and the life of NAD is still a tender shoot. It will continue however; it has at least 10 months life left. I’ve been tied up with some projects and not had time for witty or witless commentary at the moment. Soon though – even if it turns out to be just myself stuffing bits into the cosmos. A few items scheduled for the future and I’ll shortly be my normal rambling common-tater when I finish up a few things.
I would say that interest in this website has waned considerably due to the fact that there’s one person here who posts brutally long, self-serving posts containing everything from outright lies and intentional misspellings (thinking that it’s “cute”) to self-admiration depicting himself as a “Mr. know-it-all” on every conceivable topic. It reads as a desperate attempt to get attention.
No need to name the person, it’s quite obvious.
Hey DT, it’s back.
It’s whole life is all about envying me.
I don’t get it.
This has been going on for years.
Don’t get personal. It’s my choice as to what gets posted, not ghost’s. I pay the bills. And I’ve OK’d his post. Got another long one coming up as soon as I get to the admin panel.
It wasn’t “personal.” No person was actually named.
It appears that someone took it personally. Coincidental?
Maybe I’ll start doing sando of the day, starting rat nah!
If you like, say so!
How do I place my order?
Sandwich? You want a sandwich? How about this
Here is the rest of the order https://www.shutterstock.com/search/kosher-pickle
I’ve been scronin’ hard for a reuben lately.
We have a can of corned beef in the larder, and a can of sauerkraut.
A bottle of thousand island in there too, and some swiss in the fridge. But no rye. Wheat will have to do.
It’s noon thirty here and I haven’t eaten anything yet today. Maybe I’ll go ransak that larder….
There’s a store and restaurant not far from my farm that make the best reuben sandwitches. They cost $12 so I don’t indulge too often.
DT and Ghost, December 8. 2016 “The day we killed John Lennon”.
Gerard’s telling of his part in filming John and Yoko before he was killed.
I’m under the impression you’ve both downloaded the whole site. What might be the chance of posting that on this site?
I’ll post it but I don’t know how well it will transpose.
I do see that one of the linked videos is no longer available.
It will be posted but I’m not re-posting any of Gerard’s writings until after AD goes dark. Just so y’all know, I won’t re-post anything in the book.
I’ll get to it sooner, but wouldn’t it be more appropriate to re-post it on Dec 8?
Ghostsniper: Thanks for the suggestion of a Gerard re-post. It’s set-up to post, but I’m not going to put up any of Gerard’s material until after AD goes dark. I have a couple myself queued up.