Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man,
play a song for me
I'm not sleepy
and there ain't no place I'm goin' to
Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man,
play a song for me
In the jingle jangle morning,
I'll come followin' you
Take me for a trip upon
your magic swirling ship
All my senses have been stripped
And my hands can't feel to grip
And my toes too numb to step
Wait only for my boot heels to be wanderin'
I'm ready to go anywhere,
I'm ready for to fade
Unto my own parade
Cast your dancing spell my way
I promise to go under it
We have the sentinel ends of Crocuses poking up through the snow.
39 and sunny at 11am right now
Not yet for us.
I would like to ask the good people here to please find/verify the actual orders regarding the firing of all wildfire personnel. I was under the impression that wildfire staff were exempt from being removed from funding. However, the screaming liberals in this state are telling everyone that all wildland fire fighters have been terminated! Is this true? Was it just USForest Service, or was it also other government funding agencies such as DNRC, or US Parks, etc.? Thank you for your time it is much appreciated. Here in MT we really need to get ahead of this story!
Without knowing details (remember, this is off-season for wildland FFs so there may be normal layoffs – just for the winter), there’s no reason to trust the media any more now than a few months ago … and maybe even less. Panic, misinformation. despair, and gaslighting are the liberals words for the day. The “war” has barely begun …
Google Lamp-Radio
Back around 2004 our son installed Google Adsense on my website without me knowing it, under the premise that it would bring in more money. I eventually found out and told him to get it off there, and he did.
In the meantime Google was sponsoring something and because my website was hooked up at the time, they sent me a promotional radio-lamp gadget. Kinda cool actually.
I was going through some boxes of stuff in the corner of my office and this radio was in one of the boxes so that’s why I brought it up.
This contraption is about 6″ x 6″ x 3″ thick and runs on batteries. Mostly white but with a translucent panel on the front where a muted color changing lamp happens.
Apparently there is some sort of sensor inside the lamp cause when it’s just sitting there it does nothing at all. However if it is rotated to another side the lamp comes on and slowly cycles through the various colors. Rotate it another 90 degrees and the lamp goes off and the radio comes on. Another 90 and the radio plays and the lamp comes on. One more rotation and everything turns off. Wasn’t that fun?
I haven’t seen this radio-lamp since I boxed it up back in 2006 when we moved here. (yes, there are still boxes of stuff here that have not been opened). So I looked it up and look what they are selling for:
I’m wondering if I should unload it?
Here’s what it looks like:
Yes, unload it now while all those newly rich(unemployed) fools in DC have cash in their pockets! 🙂
Don’t ask us, ask your wife if she’d want you to sell it if she’d get 50% of the proceeds.
Awakening in the Hospital
An Intracranial What?
Very pretty photo.
Hard to tell exactly what the flower is without leaves to see. It looked at first like beautiful Queen Anne’s Lace that grows wild all over the midwest and is even considered an invasive weed in some parts. But then the purple color on the stems under the umbel is indicative of hemlock, a very poisonous plant easily confused with Queen Anne’s Lace (which, being part of the family of carrot plant, is edible and very tasty- roots, leaves, flowers and all).
Euell Gibbons in the 70s had a TV show and wrote a book about eating weeds and such. His book was “Stalking the Wild Asparagus”. I loved it and studied it and delighted in shocking my friends during camping and canoeing trips by eating weird wild vegetables I found along the way.
Gibbons died young and I don’t remember ever reading about his cause of death. My brothers, who scoffed at eating weeds, were convinced he chewed a hemlock stalk mistaking it was Queen Anne’s Lace.
Ironically, Euell’s death was determined to be from “Natural Causes.”
Anyone can be a star!
Using VLC media player (free) you can slow it down to bite size pieces.
Then, watching youtubes you can pull it all together.
Just start s l o w and speed up as you see fit.
Using this method I have expanded my catalog 100X.
Took my true love for a late Sunday afternoon drive in the ’64 F100. Watched the Sun go down and danced to a Bob Willis song in the alfalfa field. Thanks to Evan Williams and YouTube.
Man. 64 F100
Haven’t seen one in many, many years.
Is it white?
Originally was turquoise, but was brush painted blue. I need to write the story of this truck, maybe I can do that this week. I would post a picture but I need to learn how to do that here.
While you are typing or copy-pasting your story, notice along the bottom there are various editing symbols for BOLD, Italics, etc., and over on the right there is a small square with something smaller in the middle. Click on that symbol and then you can scroll your hard drive for the picture. Apparently you can only upload one pik per comment. You can do like John Venlet did and reply to yourself and upload another pik.