Gerard – Jan 27
Stealing Neo’s photo from a few days ago on American Digest, it seems an appropriate picture to remember Gerard’s contribution to each of his readers’ lives.
There’s nothing I can say that hasn’t been said already – may Gerard’s memory help lighten each of his readers loads.
Paradise is a state of mind …

2 years ago today, it all ended.
Gerard Vanderleun: December 26, 1945 – January 27, 2023by Vanderleun on January 27, 2023
Gerard died peacefully in the small hours of the morning.
He left instructions to me for two last posts of his that he wanted me to publish here.
I will probably do that tomorrow.
I also will be posting a few more essays of my own about Gerard, but I will keep his two last posts pinned at the top of the page.
Therefore you’ll need to scroll down past them to get to any new ones.
Thank you for all the loving and beautiful words expressing loving and beautiful thoughts for Gerard.
This post garnered 166 comments.
You can read them here:
A few other remembrances under “Remembering Gerard Van der Luen” on the header of this site.
Read all of them and was almost brought to tears. What a loss for everybody.
There were a number of years when, during the darkest times, I found light by coming to Gerard’s website. There were many times when his website and his writing got me started on the new day with a little hope.