Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man,
play a song for me
I'm not sleepy
and there ain't no place I'm goin' to
Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man,
play a song for me
In the jingle jangle morning,
I'll come followin' you
Take me for a trip upon
your magic swirling ship
All my senses have been stripped
And my hands can't feel to grip
And my toes too numb to step
Wait only for my boot heels to be wanderin'
I'm ready to go anywhere,
I'm ready for to fade
Unto my own parade
Cast your dancing spell my way
I promise to go under it
I wish.
Wish what? That’s the crest on the horizon. Eisenhower Tunnel not far ahead. The tunnel is over 11,000 ft; highest point on an Interstate. And even higher being in Colorado. Loveland Pass (US6) goes over instead of through at just shy of 12,000 ft. The peaks are higher yet. Ski traffic ruins the drive in winter. People get altitude sickness thereabouts.
Wish what? Do you really want to go there?
Well, on one side of my life I’d like to be traversing that motorway alone on a Harley with my backpack strapped on the sissy bar and not a care in the world.
On another side I’d like to be tooling along on that road to a business meeting with some clients for an 80 story office building design, in a Lincoln Towncar, cool, calm, collected.
And then there’s the 17 year old me that would like to see an old truck slowing down to pick up my hitch hiking ass only to find 2 nubile and giggling long haired gurls throw open the door and yell, “Git In!”.
A picture and an imagination can be a dangerous thang….
I misunderstood you. I thought you were doubting.
-Let’s see now – it was Kaw; no backpack – she was blonde.
-It wasn’t a Lincoln and only 52 stories tall
-Never my type of luck
But I hear you on all three
1000 per bag, 10 bags per bin, 5 bins =
This is what 50,000 rounds of .223 looks like.
1,000 rounds of .223 weighs 27 pounds, so that’s about 1,350 pounds of 223.
That is a sight for sore eyes, GS.
Yes, an imagination can be a dangerous thing! Especially when someone “imagines” that a picture shows 4 times more ammo than what’s actually there!
Those bags actually hold 250 rounds each, as seen on the Fenix Ammo website—- https://fenixammo.com/products/223-remington-5-56mm-55gr-fmjbt-250-ct
THIS is what 1000 rounds of .223/.556 actually looks like- https://ammunitionstore.com/products/223-ammo-55gr-fmj-pmc-bronze-223a-1000-round-case.html
Why lie, when the truth is so obvious?
I have been told that a retired postal employee is being denied access to medical care because their doctor cannot access their medical insurance. Is this true? What is out there to make this look plausible? Is there any reason this may be possible?
Check out this post at Area Ocho https://areaocho.com/screwed-4/
Thanks DT that was very helpful article providing some insight to the current situation!
Here’s my stash of 900,000 rounds of high powered rifle ammo.
It’s for hunting big game.