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11 days ago

Since about 1990, starting in FL, I have saved an est. 300 turtles that I’ve seen on the road. Once, I had 2 box turtles walking around in the cab of my truck and about a 30lb snapper in the bed. I usually bring them back here to the compound and let em go down by the stream in the woods.

The neighbor across the road has a large pond with snappers in it and a couple years ago a female turtle came over to our front yard looking for a place to lay her eggs. She spent several hours canvassing various places to drop the load and none seemed just right. She’d stop, start to dig in then sit there for a spell. Something wasn’t right….so she’d move to another part of the yard. She even dug a few places in the gravel driveway.

Finally she found a place and set about digging for an hour, then another 2 hours to drop about 80 eggs and then cover them up. I escorted her back across the road to the pond so that a vehicle wouldn’t run over her. We watched the egg mound for weeks waiting for them to hatch. The big day came and they had all just disappeared, I guess to the pond across the road. We never seen any of them. All we seen was the ground all dug up and a lot of empty shells.

The smallest turtle I ever caught was about the size of a quarter and I found it right here in our driveway in Nov. It was very young and that was too late in the year for it to be hibernating so I brought it into my office and made a place for it to stay. I gave it turtle food, and fruits and water and let it go in the spring, down by the stream.

Male turtles have a convex (or is it concave?, I get them confused) bottom shell. On level ground the shell curves upward. Supposedly to facilitate mating.

Pik: Makin Bacon

11 days ago
Reply to  ghostsniper


you’re a kind person, GS.

10 days ago
Reply to  jean

I try!
It helps to be around kind things.

11 days ago
Reply to  ghostsniper

Thanks, Ghost. Enjoyed the read.

John Venlet
John Venlet
11 days ago
Reply to  ghostsniper

I’ve rescued a few turtles, the most challenging being a medium sized snapper which kept trying to chomp on my hand and scratch me with its claws, but not near the number you’ve rescued Ghostsniper. Here’s a couple turtle photos. A small snapper, bout the size of a 50 cent piece, I saw floating downstream while flyfishing, and a confused turtle which kept trying to dig a hole and lay eggs in my trout camp firepit. I finally had to drive that turtle to another locale because each time I had moved it up or downstream, a couple of hours later I’d find it in the firepit again.

John Venlet
John Venlet
11 days ago
Reply to  John Venlet

Guess I can only post one pic per comment. Here’s the baby snapper pic.

10 days ago
Reply to  John Venlet

Look at that little scudder! About the size of the little one I found in the driveway.

11 days ago

Must see, you won’t regret it.


Mary Ann
Mary Ann
11 days ago
Reply to  ghostsniper

Well done AI.