Tunes For Tuesday – Wednesday Edition
It completely slipped my mind that yesterday was Tuesday until I realized today is Wednesday …
A sample of some obscure – and some maybe not obscure – tunes from my strange and off-the-wall collection.
Today’s selection: Mary Carter Stuart – “Going Back To Olive Hill“
Seems most everything ever recorded has made it to YouTube so it’s hard to find “obscure” …
But I think this one may be a challenge even for ghostsniper.
Olive Hill, KY is Tom T Halls’ home town.
My Favorite Muscle Car
While I like many, if I could only have one it would be this one.
Red, 4 speed, all options, mint condition.
That song makes me think of Sunday afternoons with Momma, Granma, and Auntie talking about the old days growing up in 1930’s Shannon County Missouri.