Oh Dear – I Almost Forgot
Gerard died 2 years and 1 week ago tomorrow - Jan 27, 2023; a week from tomorrow (Monday). I don't know Neo's plans for the American Digest site, but I suspect y'all have only about 1 week left to enjoy Gerard's writings as he wrote them.
All good things come to an end ... and the end is near.

Damn! ... I hope he and Ol' Remus got together.
I have a black cat as well - he "helps" me write - and I'm not all that much younger than Gerard was.
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Comments And Articles
A question was asked in Comments about how to submit an article for posting. That's the easy part. Send your submission to:
and I'll get it posted.
I have to set up an internal "author" account to give proper credit and WP requires an email to go with it. I'll use the one the article comes from. The email will not be published and the name you use is your choice … be unique with the name though, "Anonymous" may not cut it - lots of people named Anonymous :)
Names need to be unique: if you submit an article as "Name" and an author account is set up under that name (that process is invisible to you), the next Name that comes along will have to use a different name, even if "Name1".
For articles to be posts, I'd want something that doesn't really belong in comments; something worthy of being shared globally with others and not buried in Comments that get lost over time. Anne's piece of yesterday titled "Tomorrow" is a good example. Essay length at most - suitable for a post; something that will inspire others' interest. Really long articles belong on pages, not posts. I'll refine any length limitations as articles are submitted.
If it's a really long comment, often it probably should be considered for a post unless it has specific intent to the post to which it's attached.
Now the hard part ... the commenter also asked about rules and limitations.
To tell the truth, I hadn't really given that any thought until now.
As far as rules? I'd like to say none, but here I go establishing a few ...
I suspect there will need to be guidelines and rules of some sort beyond what I give here eventually. I'll let that go for now and see how things work out. "Experience is the best teacher".
First: If you send it I will assume you intend it to be posted unless you tell me directly otherwise (you can also "talk" to me directly and privately through that address if you need to). This is the internet - posts are forever ...
Not that I expect to use the powers of Administrator but I will reserve the right to be the arbiter of what gets posted if need be.
"Nastiness" and personal attacks will not be posted. I'd like to keep political commentary to a minimum. Just so y'all know my biases, easterners consider me extreme right wing (I worked near DC for a while); here at home, I'm considered right of center. I'm sure that bias will come through but I'd prefer to be neutral here. I deal with that stuff too much - as I suppose you all do as well - and I don't really want to deal with it here. There's a balance needed here though - some political discussions are OK … I'm just not sure what those limits are yet. "Trump is a Nazi" doesn't make the cut - no he's not, but why do you think so? might make the cut. A thoughtful discussion of a policy - pro or con - usually does.
I'll let it be known right now I'm pretty hard-core anti-tranz. The topic doesn't need to come up here - pro or con. Other sites cover it elsewhere if you need the discussion; keep the rhetorical yours and others sex lives someplace else.
Boundaries are flexible for now. If experience indicates limits need to be defined more thoroughly, it will be done. But not until experience forces my hand. Even Gerard had limits ...
This post will eventually turn into a WP page and be given a link on the header so these "rules" remain accessible rather than get buried with time.
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