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Snakepit Kansas
Snakepit Kansas
1 month ago

Power Monday. Coffee up and getting ready to go to the fun factory. All this snow is largely cleared from the streets but still covering all the fields. This is good for the winter wheat which will be harvested in June or July.

Tom Hyland
Tom Hyland
1 month ago

“I am a ‘conspiracy theorist’. I believe men and women of wealth and power conspire. If you don’t think so, then you are what is called ‘an idiot’. If you believe stuff but fear the label, you are what is called ‘a coward’.”  – Cornell University professor Dave Callum

Okay, that said, I am a proud conspiracy theorist, too. I own it. The several LA fires began at exactly the same time. DEW stands for direct energy weapons and that technology burned Gerard out of Paradise, California. It was used in downtown Manhattan on September 11th and Lahaina, Maui. Watch this video, read the article, and know you’ve been informed. https://tinyurl.com/3vfckvdc

Last edited 1 month ago by Tom Hyland
1 month ago

“So-called progressives finally achieved what they supposedly warned of but in truth wished for: the eviction of the affluent descendants of colonizers, the incineration of their homes, and the destruction of a city that, more than any other, represents our bloody history of white supremacy and conquest.” — Michael Shellenberger


Tom Hyland
Tom Hyland
1 month ago

Stew Peters has his analysis of the same… results of DEW, buildings burning from the inside while nothing else burning around them, trees untouched.

1 month ago

Biden stuck it in that obese US ass again to the tune of $2tril bringing the total up to $36tril+

Go see yourself:


Oh, BTW, YOUR portion of that is $323,045.00

Hat tip to WRSA


Tom Hyland
Tom Hyland
1 month ago

Gross incompetence. In the case of Los Angeles, and California while the topic is relevant, the “Peter Principle” applies which was the observation that bureaucracy kick you upstairs until you achieve the highest level of incompetence. The LA fires have been deliberate, too. Victor Davis Hanson supplied a cogent 6 minute summary today of how this is working out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqTIB-4mE28

1 month ago
Reply to  Tom Hyland

Gross incompetence indeed.
The whole ocean is right there, but there was no water available?