Gerard’s Quote
In composing my series on the Overland Trail; in preparing other articles - at least in my mind; and in thinking about my now-only-annual road trip into the back country ... and in reviewing some of Gerard's works - I ran across this quote of his which seems appropriate to this place that I find myself.
I'm not so much interested in "discovering" new places anymore - I've been to most of those places that interested me ... and been to quite a few that fit "I'm glad I went, now I don't have to go again". A few "shortcuts" come to mind ...
I find I'd rather return to those places I once discovered for myself; the ones I passed by too quickly, or at the wrong time of year, or just those that stuck in my mind that "I need to get back here someday".
Looking at those numbers on my drivers license makes me realize "someday" is more or less now - how many more years left to put something off until I get to it?
A few I suppose, barring accidents - I'm pretty healthy for my age and can still get around like a crippled 30 yo.
We live in a small enough town that the contractors for odd jobs beyond my ability - this time installing gas service to a now-we-need-it new stove that was electric and will be dual fuel - are also friends. Sometimes age is forgotten and Dude and I started talking investments just yesterday. He was enthusiastic about purchasing some land that's not quite ready for development. "DT", he says, "This will be a great payoff in 20 years". He has early teenagers.
I could only look at him.
"Oh, Dude", says I, "if only I could plan on 20 more years ..."
So I swiped Gerard's quote and put it up on the header - just to remind myself ...
It was so much nicer having the luxury of saying "I'll get to it later" and having it be true.
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