Overland Stage – Part 8 LaPorte to Virginia Dale
Part 8 - LaPorte to Virginia Dale is now live.
Latham to Laporte was a 35 mile run, reduced to secondary status with the main line running south from Latham - continuing to follow the South Platte - to Denver then running back north along the foothills of the Front Range (a bit west of US287) to LaPorte, re-joining the original trail.
The run north from LaPorte was not the flat lands of the South Platte Route. Not quite mountains but one of the most difficult stretches of the entire route was located in this section. Like the other segments, it had its share of Indian attacks and threat from bandits.
Virginia Dale - the only remaining complete station at its original location - and perhaps the most famous of all - was Jack Slade's headquarters. Only a mile or so below what was then the Dakota Territory, it was perhaps the most pleasing of locations.

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