Here’s How To Speak “Engineer”
SpaceX had another spacecraft recovery with their “claw”. While the catch of the heavy booster section was successful, the upper section created quite the light show in the sky when it exploded during re-entry:
Or as SpaceX called it, the event was a “rapid unscheduled disassembly”.
I love it!
This caused quite a disruption to the air traffic in the area.
FYI, just to decode some of the nomenclature and acronyms in the videos…
FIR=Flight Information Region. “FIR” is pronounced “feer” and not “fur” like the tree.
Most everyone is probably familiar with waypoints. In aviation these are most often given five letter names.
Some of the flights are directed to hold at certain waypoints. A holding pattern is simply a racetrack-shaped pattern in the air anchored at that waypoint. ATC may stack up airplanes in a holding pattern by having them hold at thousand foot increments.
Holding instructions will include an EFC time where EFC= Expect Further Clearance. This tells the pilot how long he can expect to be “stuck” in the holding pattern before he can get further clearance to his destination. The first thought that a pilot will have will be: Do I have enough fuel to fly around in circles till my EFC and then make it to my destination? EFCs can and do change and when they change, your decision to stay in holding vs proceed to an alternate may change.
At one point in the second video, the ATC controller tells a flight that San Juan wasn’t able to take any more diversions. The San Juan weather may be great, and you may have adequate fuel to get there, but if they have no more space to park airplanes, then they’ll tell you to go somewhere else. When out over the water, the number of options available to you can get really small really fast.
Reminds me of Gwyneth Paltrow and her announcement of “Conscious Uncoupling” (divorce) from her husband, except that was pretentious and this is just funny and clever.
Smoked Armadillo Eggs
Whoa…bet I could rip up 1/2 a doz of em….with the right “lubrication”.
(short) 1 min or less
“Donald Trump is NOT going to be our next president.”