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Snakepit Kansas
Snakepit Kansas
1 month ago

I live in Cowtown. Used to hang out downtown at some of the sports bars and places where you could get a beer and listen to some jazz. Old paved brick streets still exist. Not sure how hold the bricks are but this is the same area that used to have saloons, shootouts, etc. We need a refresher on our history from time to time.

1 month ago
Reply to  DT

Do you mean, “The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp”?
I looked up the “Tales…” but nothing came up.
Anyway, we watched the “The Life…” series a couple years ago, all of it.
Bought the DVD’s.

Over the past, oh, 15 years we got rid of the satellite because the programming was unbearable then stopped watching linear TV for the same reason. Now all we watch on TV is Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy and sometimes Andy Griffith.

And we have 1950’s and early 60’s TV series DVD’s in our payers. We’ve watched a LOT of westerns, starting with the full 20 year run of Gunsmoke. We’ve probaly seen 20-30 western series – all the famous ones and some not so famous.

We’re not stuck on westerns, we’ve seen plenty of others, but we’re mostly addicted to the era – old stuff. I can’t tolerate much of anything from the 70’s on up.

BTW I left a comment earlier but it’s not snowing up. No big deal.

1 month ago

I grew up on the back side of Hollywood–just a few miles from the back lot of Warner Bros. About 1.5 miles from my house is where they had (still have) the barns for the cowboy horses. I was at “the barn” everyday after school. Got to see Clint Walker, Chuck Connors,and a few others. I exercised Dale Robertson’s horse. I would tag along with the older kids when they hopped the fence on a Saturday night and play in the cowboy town! My only summer camp was two weeks spent out in the outer valley where they had a mock up fort and cowboy town and horses! Ronald Regan came riding into camp one day just to say hello. That was about 1955 or 1956. I even tried to learn how to drive stage coach. Alas, I was too skinny, and too short and not nearly strong enough! But the old timer gave me a chance !

Watching those cowboy films being made encouraged me to read about western history. It also helped me to become very discerning about the difference between what is real and what is Hollywood! I never thought my childhood was unique. It wan’t until I was about 50 that I realized how different it was!

I also got to spend abut ten days on the Navajo reservation at Window Rock. My church sent a few of us kids out there. Driving around that country really made me feel like it was the “old west”.

There is a building down in “old town” San Diego that Wyat Earp owned after he moved away from the OK Corral. Don’t forget he came to Hollywood to do bit parts in the young movie industry! My mom was already a kid when he died! Those times were not so long ago!