I suppose I could expend some effort to mention current events – seems that’s what all the kool kids are doing. Trump seems to be keeping most of his election promises, so do the lefties.
We’re still in the honeymoon phase though. It’s not yet been two weeks and being the cynic that I am, I’m still waiting for the “forces of Democracy” to make their play. I think they truly believed that whore would win and haven’t yet properly prepared for the mayhem they so desperately desire.
So, while I think Trump’s doing what he was voted into office to do, and he’s getting down to consolidating his power which he neglected to do the first time ’round, I do believe the fireworks show hasn’t really gotten underway … yet. Those people are not just going to roll over and let be. And the more successful Trump is in the beginning, the deeper the pushback will be when it comes.
The economy’s in the toilet but everyone sees the market going up and up and up … and figures the world is good. But it’s someone putting latex paint on the old oil-based paint; looks pretty at first but it’s going to peel off and make a bigger mess than it needed to be.
There are a lot of Obama-ites crawling around the edges that are out of Trump’s ability to deal with – such as Lindsay Graham being up to his usual stab in the back activities; this summer could prove to be yet another reminder that Ol’ Remus’ advice was good: “Don’t be there“
But so far – such a breath of fresh air.
Nice to see Milley may get his comeuppance. May his name become synonymous with Benedict Arnold. May his fate be that of Mussolini. May Fauci join him.
Hope for the best – just keep your powder dry in the meantime …