Overland Stage – Part 2
Part 2 – Company Operations is now live.

Update: To keep any comments about this series of articles visible, I’m going to ask that they be placed on the Posts that announce the live status (such as this one).
I’m going to lock out comments on the Pages themselves.
Ohh…. loved reading this! Thank you for posting. It helped me to better understand the times during which my DH’s family homesteaded in MT!
Thank you. I find this era of American history fascinating.
So much more to come in this series, you may get bored with it.
Coming very soon – likely next few days – is a section on Jack Slade – hung by vigilantes in Virginia City, MT – though he comes up in this series as a division agent on the stage line in Julesburg as I work my way east to west.
Writing still in progress but the first several pages are close to complete. At the moment, the whole thing looks to be about 20 pages long.